
Hi there, I'm Bianca and this little happiness project was
started by chance let me explain, in my day job I renovate houses during the
strip outs I’ve found many long forgotten treasures, which I would spend hours
researching its history, each time I held these items in my hands I used to say
the same thing over again " they don't make them like this anymore"
the quality and uniqueness of each item had me falling in love vintage &

This got me thinking, "why are we filling our homes
with mass produced homewares that are not built to last, bad for the planet and
making all our homes look the same?" myself included.

Upon on completing the renovation of my home, I slowly
started to replace items with timeless vintage and antique pieces from cutlery
to tables honing my individual style, this is where the shift happened Those
little treasures were always the items that piqued the interest of visitors and
I got so much joy informing them they were vintage/ Antique - mixing a little
modern with timeless old just worked and was a cost effective way to make my
home special.

This got me thinking, maybe I could source for others?
 find beautiful “old things” curate little collections and make vintage
& antiques accessible to everyone.

All items begin their next life styled in my home this is
why i only buy what i love and hope you love them to x

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